John Nairus

John Nairus

    AFRL Chief Engineer - Power Controls Division

JOHN NAIRUS Chief Engineer Power & Control Division Air Force Research Laboratory(AFRL/RQQ) John has 36 years of service with the Air Force Research Laboratory’s Aerospace Systems Directorate having served in various capacities in support of the More Electric Aircraft Initiative before becoming the Power & Control Division’s Chief Engineer.

John earned his Bachelor and Masters Degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Dayton, is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Ohio, and an AIAA Associate Fellow. John has served as an Electrical Power and Thermal Management Subject Matter Expert in the F-35 Program Office, chaired the Interagency Advanced Power Group (IAPG), is heavily involved in OSD’s Reliance 21 currently chairing the Energy and Power Community of Interest, and also served on the National Academies Low Carbon Aviation Committee studying hybrid-electric aircraft propulsion.
