Dr. Eric Hendricks is a technical lead in the Propulsion Systems Analysis Branch at NASA Glenn Research Center. In this role, he leads the Systems Analysis and Integration team within NASA’s Advanced Air Transport Technology project which focuses on research and development of technologies for subsonic commercial aircraft. Dr. Hendricks also leads NASA’s Intercenter Systems Analysis Team which conducts systems studies to support strategic decision making within NASA’s Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate. He holds a B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology and the Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory.
The Model-Based Systems Analysis and Engineering (MBSA&E) effort is envisioned to be a systems-level, digital integration across Sustainable Flight National Partnership (SFNP) projects which will support the assessment, advancement, and adoption of sustainable technologies for 2030s EIS subsonic transport aircraft concepts. Through the development of an OpenMDAO-based framework, the MBSA&E effort will be able to integrate and assess technologies being researched by NASA and other organizations to complete a “digital flight test” of future aircraft concepts. This presentation will summarize the MBSA&E vision and plan, then provide an overview of work completed to date including example/demonstration models for transonic truss braced wing (TTBW) and electric aircraft propulsion (EAP) concepts.